Translation by Bonnie Rose for the Federazione Associazioni Italia Israele.

“My very deep and loving thanks to Bonnie Rose who translated with great expertise of the English language, my little book “Le 10 Bugie su Israele” and contributed in this way to the most just war of our time, a war for the survival of the Jewish People in name of the Western Judeo Christian alliance against violence and hate.”
Fiamma Nirenstein

“On behalf of the Federation of Italy-Israel Associations, I want to thank Bonnie Rose for the translation done not only with great heart, but also with great skill and accuracy. Thank you, Bonnie.”
Bruno Gazzo, President of the Federation.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Israel, the Federation of Italy-Israel Associations has decided to publish this concise but significant book by Fiamma Nirenstein “The 10 Lies About Israel” to counter the falsehoods that are continually spread biasedly in the press and on social media about Israel.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz has appointed Jerusalem Center Fellow Fiamma Nirenstein as the Foreign Ministry’s Special Advisor for Combating Antisemitism.
Nirenstein is an accomplished journalist, author, and speaker specializing in antisemitism, the Middle East conflict, Islam, terrorism, and human rights. Throughout her journalistic and professional career, she has exposed movements promoting antisemitism against both diaspora and Israeli Jews, and she was among the first to link modern antisemitism to anti-Zionism and hostility toward the State of Israel.

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